Geoffrey Weg Named One of New York Law Journal’s 2021 Dealmakers of the Year


Geoffrey Weg was honored as one of the New York Law Journal’s 2021 Dealmakers of the Year, which is part of the publication’s annual New York Legal Awards. The Awards recognize outstanding achievements by New York attorneys and judges over the past year—whether in shaping the law, achieving outsized results for their clients, or assisting those in need of legal services—in categories such as Lifetime Achievement, Litigation Department of the Year, and Innovation. The Dealmaker category is focused on honoring attorneys that have achieved excellence in transactional matters across the legal profession in fields as varied as real estate, M&A, bankruptcy and corporate.

The Journal recognized Geoffrey for successfully facilitating a set of multiple retail leasing transactions during the height of COVID-19 pandemic, during a period when both landlords and retail tenants experienced unprecedented challenges and uncertainty. In structuring the successive deals—all of which were for properties along a single Manhattan block—he formulated and negotiated leases that contained complex force majeure and pandemic provisions; creative rent escalation, concession, and tenant improvement arrangements; and various restrictive covenants, each of which will help the tenants succeed while offering fair protections for the landlords.

The Journal took note of Geoffrey’s decade of experience managing properties in New York City, which has provided him with a well-rounded view of the issues that landlords and their tenants face in practice. This background has given Geoffrey the ability to structure and negotiate thorough agreements, and to have a holistic view of the broad array of the legal, compliance and practical matters that landlords and tenants contend with on a daily basis.

The transactions were just part or Geoffrey’s diverse real estate practice of the past year, in which he advised commercial, residential and hospitality property owners on their transactional, management and compliance matters.


Geoffrey Weg Appointed Member of the New York City Bar Association’s Real Property Law Committee